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Team news

Workshop about urban biodiversity conservation

January 2025: available online (in Czech language)

Project in photovoltaic power plants

December 2024: Initial results from biodiversity monitoring and management efforts at FVE Komorovice

Citizen science activities to support pollinators in urban environments

November 2024: Workshops, lectures, and participation in insect monitoring

Perennial experimental wildflower strips

October 2024: last data collection in perennial experimental wildflower strips

Biodiverse green roofs supporting natural plant and insect communities

October 2024: Experimental plots on a green roof – enhancing biodiversity in central Prague

Experiments with dragonfly larvae

October 2024: project introduction

Annual Meeting of the German Ecological Society (GFÖ)

September 2024: our active participation (6 contributions)

Insect monitoring in photovoltaic power plants

August 2024: Successful completion of the first year of field data collection

Catching dragonfly larvae

July 2024: Evaluating a manipulative experiment with dragonfly larvae

Introducing our ideas to farmers and government officials

June 2024: Workshop presenting potential improvements of flower strips and the EIPC concept

Results of a three-year monitoring

May 2024: Targeted support for endangered butterfly species based on a combination of flexible habitat management and detailed biological data is almost complete

Alfredo has his first first-author paper

April 2024: Publication in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment reveals important results from field experiments with arthropods

Spring management at Dívčí hrady have begun

March 2024: Mowing and removing sprouts

Again, we were part of the best zoological conference in the Czech Republic

February 2024: Successful Zoological days in Ostrava...

How do carabid beetle communities change from field edges to interiors?

January 2023: Eze and Michal K. publish study in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Rationalizing agriculture with simple adjustments benefits all parties involved

December 2023: Our conceptual study was published in Biological Conservation

Post with the most likes and comments on our Facebook page

November 2023: Publication of our study on mating of ladybird males with dead females

Light pollution as a threat to the overwintering of the Chiasmia clathrata

October 2023: Our new study in the Journal of Applied Ecology

Presentation of our results at the GfÖ conference

September 2023: We were seen and heard not only during the scientific program

New publication in the prestigious journal Communications Biology

August 2023: Heatwaves have irreversible impacts on the ecophysiology of ladybirds

Effects of different temperatures on infections

July 2023: Ecophysiological experiment with the Dinocampus coccinellae, a parasitoid wasp of the ladybird Harmonia axyridis

Artificial caterpillars around the world

June 2023: Start of the global predation experiment with caterpillars

Management measures to support biodiversity continue

May 2023: Vegetation preparation in spring

Females are more affected by early/life nutritional stress

April 2023: Meta-analysis of sex differences in insects published in the prestigious journal Ecology Letters

Management activities to support the biodiversity of arthropods around the Prokop Valley

March 2023: management in the Prokop valley are carried out even during the dormant season

Zoological days with our abundant participation

February 2023: six contributions at the traditional conference were from our team

Butterflies of Prague - Atlas of Distribution

January 2023: a new book about butterfly distributions of Prague.

What do ecologists do in the winter?

January 2023: sorting samples and writing grant reports

Successful habitation thesis defence by Michal Knapp

December 2022: team leader is associate professor

Party, party, and party again

December 2022: Celebration of 150 years of the Insect Ecology Team

The effect of environmental temperature on insect development rate does not differ between sexes

December 2022: Tiit published his meta-analysis in Evolution Letters

Monitoring of moths in protected areas of Prague

November 2022: the entire season is over

Kostelecké Inspirování

November 2022: four members of our team presented their research at a traditional FES conference

Help with active nature conservation near Innsbruck

October 2022: management activities to support diurnal butterflies and other invertebrates

Monitoring arthropods in nectareous strips successfully completed

October 2022: Data pertaining to the impact of differentially managed flower strips on arthropod communities

Our team participated in the organization of the ECCB 2022 in Prague

September 2022: European Congress of Conservation Biology

Michal K. and Michal Ř. presented their work at ICE "2020"

July 2022: International Congress of Entomology in Helsinki

We have new reinforcements, this time from abroad

June 2022: Dr. David Awde and Shahriar Abul Fazal, M.Sc.

Successful defence of the dissertation

May 2022: Michal Ř. has a PhD title

Publication in Global Change Biology and Ecology

May 2022: four team members participated in a world experiment

Management supporting of Hipparchia semele

April 2022: work in the spring can also be so sweaty

The new TAČR project “flowery strips” is already running

April 2022: long-lived nectareous flower strips for effective biodiversity support in agricultural landscapes

The Praha kvete project

April 2022: realization, oral presentations, and children programmes

Publication in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

March 2022: ladybirds in the most traditional journal of the world

Reservation V Bahnách under patronage FES-CZU

March 2022: Tomáš Kadlec participates in the entomological monitoring PR V Bahnách

First year of monitoring in the project

February 2022: Among the target species, the most common species are Hipparchia semele and Polyommatus thersites

Research of field defects bring well-deserved publications

February 2022: Field defects artificial and natural…

Our team have new group members

February 2022: Tom Dvořák has first publication with our affiliation

Christmas time in the Insect Ecology group

December 2021: This year we got the board games

Eze is darling in Journal of Applied Ecology!

November 2021: Ezequiel pushed one of his articles to the prestigious Journal of Applied Ecology

Managements in action

October 2021: A combination of mechanical and manual work is needed for quality care of the site

Congratulations Alfredo!

September 2021: Alfredo Venturo is just starting the second year of his PhD and has the first published article in his pocket

Working visit to Germany

September 2021: analysis of CHC and future collaboration 

A place for butterflies - we create new habitats around the Prokop Valley

August 2021: support of endangered butterfly species based on a combination of flexible habitat management and evaluation of detailed biological data

Cooperation with the Institute of Entomology of the Biology Centre in České Budějovice

August 2021: strength of coagulation of haemolymph and resistance to nematode parasites across different ladybird species

2021 is the year of the dragonflies

July 2021: thanks to the support of the Prague City Hall this year we launched the Prague dragonfly monitoring project

The project “Okáčům na stopě” was launched

July 2021: involving the broad public in the study of the population ecology of the critically endangered Hipparchia semele 

Party tents for dragonflies

June 2021: behavioural experiments with dragonflies 

Public lesson in front of the National Museum of Agriculture

June 2021: the participants learned interesting facts and news on pollinators, insect biodiversity loss in urban environments and our project Praha kvete

Blooming of our wildflower strips received a lot of attention from the media

June 2021: finally, our wildflower strips in fields around Prague-Vinoř are in full beauty! 

The Praha kvete project expands even in 2021

May 2021: the educational project focuses on the differences between a short mowed lawn and a flowering area from an insect biodiversity perspective  

Great publication by Tiit Teder

May 2021: Why do males emerge before females? Sexual size dimorphism drives sexual bimaturism in insects

Additional 30 hectares of wildflower strips sown in cooperation with the company VIN AGRO

April 2021: nectar-rich wildflower strips northeast of Prague

Publishing successes during spring

March 2021: in March, several of our articles were accepted for publication

Eze’s success in the Journal of Applied Ecology

March 2021: Ezequiel González among the final candidates for the Southwood Prize for Young Scientists for his article


Thank you Lada for all your work in our projects

January 2021: it's time to say BYE, BYE! 

Interview in the Živá univerzita (Life University) journal

December 2020: detailed description of our activities at the Dívčí hrady site 

November sampling as our last field work in 2020

November 2020: successful autumn light trapping

Conference Naše příroda 2020 (Our Nature 2020)

November 2020: Michal Knapp and Tomáš Kadlec presented our research and conservation activities at the Dívčí hrady

Kim Jensen as a new reinforcement for our team

November 2020: Kim will be to join in our research on ladybird physiology and insect life span

Ladybirds are ready for overwintering

October 2020: next year of long term experiment

Healthy light in the TV show Nedej se! (Don't Give Up!)

October 2020: Tom in Czech TV show called Nedej se! 

Dragonflies deserve systematic monitoring

October 2020:  publication in the top-ranked scientific journal Bioscience

In the footsteps of rare butterflies

September 2020: it seems that this species is currently even rarer than we thought

The importance of forest patches for the functioning of agricultural landscapes

September 2020: article in the Journal of Applied Ecology

Monitoring carabid beetles in arable fields from the Prague City Hall

June 2020: the impact of changes in farming management and landscape structure on carabids

Tomáš Dvořák joins our team

May 2020: Tomáš Dvořák is the new reinforcement of the Insect Ecology Group (with a part-time position). 

Support to Prague pollinators

May 2020: pollinators and citizen science

Bumblebees like the forest

April 2020: agricultural landscape

Voltinism in insects vs. climate change

April 2020: new interesting study

Pitfalls of pitfall trapping

April 2020: ecological methods

Fruitful March: several interesting publications were published

March 2020: March - behind the stove we climb (and publish)

New project investigating the influence of black locust cover on moth communities

March 2020: first fieldwork of the year 2020 under supervision of Tomáš Kadlec was lunched

Successful trip to the Zoological Days 2020 conference

February 2020: Zoological days - we can't miss this event :-)

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