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The participation at the 2015 International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) in Charleston, South Carolina

Our research team participated at the 2015 International Symposium on Society and Resource Management ( which was held at the College of Charleston from June 13 – 18, 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Vratislava Janovská presented the current results from a project called Farmland Rental Paradox: a new form of economic degradation of agricultural land which is funded by Czech Science Foundation. The name of the presentation was The Farmland Rental Paradox: ?How does land tenure security serve as an important factor for the protection of soil?

The conference serves as the venue for the annual meeting of the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR). The ISSRM is the premier scientific meeting for academic and government researchers, students, land managers and NGO representatives who are broadly interested in the human dimensions of natural resources and the environment. It includes research scientists, government agency managers, graduate students, non-profit employees, and private consultants form the fields of natural resource management, social sciences and environmental planning.

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