Ing. Gabrielle Amanda Filippi

Fylogeneze a biogeografie druhů Chenopodium album agg. / Phylogeny and biogeography of Chenopodium album agg.

Supervisor: prof. Mgr. Bohumil Mandák, Ph.D.

The focus of this project is to understand the evolutionary patterns of American species of Chenopodium album agg. through phylogenetic analyses. The Eurasian distribution and phylogeny have been fairly well studied recently; however, there is insufficient information on the distribution and phylogeny of North American species. Due to the relationship genome size is believed to have on plant ecological suitability, the chromosome number of each species will be determined through classical karyology techniques while flow cytometry will be utilized to determine ploidy level. These characteristics as well as data collected through the Hyb-Seq method, which allows significantly more genomic information to be collected and processed, allow for a more complete understanding of the evolutionary history of Chenopodium album agg. Thus, a phylogenetic tree will be constructed using the combination of all three data sources, allowing future comparisons and a more global understanding of this species to be determined.

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