Our team employ, hand in hand with local authorities and communities, the standardized methodology of large-scale deployment of autonomous sensors (camera trapping, audio recorders) with use of 40+ units with density of one unit per 2 square kilometers. The surveys usually take at least one month, which enables us to describe community measures such as species richness, species accumulation curves, occupancy, detectability, relative abundance indices, activity patterns and their overlaps, spatiotemporal changes. The analytic tool set includes Bayesian statistical modeling allowing us to reflect future variables and geo-statistical analyses; the closed and spatially explicit capture-recapture modeling is applied for the estimates of abundance and density of species. We integrate results in spatial databases with remotely sensed data satellite and airborne), biodiversity and land cover spatial information. These databases allow a full range of spatial, quantitative, qualitative and risk analyses as required by the specifics of each project. Applied and landscape ecology approach takes into an account the land use, regulations and laws, and strategic planning within the target areas.