Číslo projektu: 314202423156
Název projektu: Detekce symptomů onemocnění „yaws“ u goril v Messok-Dja, Konžská republika
Financováno z prostředků: Primate Conservation, Inc.
Hostitelská instituce: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Hlavní řešitel na ČZU: Tomáš Jůnek
Externí řešitel: Vojtěch Franc (FEL ČVUT)
Administrace projektu: Kateřina Chmelíková
Doba trvání projektu: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2024
Rozpočet: 3001 USD
Western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the Republic of Congo (RoC) is known subject of infection of yaws disease, caused by bacteria Treponema pallidum subs. pertenue (TPE). The disease affecting humans and nonhuman primates (Knauf et al. 2018), was subject to eradication efforts in the mid 20th century but reemerged in Africa and other Tropics. Based on our wildlife monitoring since 2022 in the Messok-Dja landscape, we have detected that symptoms of yaws (skin lesions and ulceration) can be successfully detected from camera trap images at 10.5% of female and 5% of male gorillas visiting single one bai, natural forest swampy clearing. Yaws symptoms has been found also in gorilla population in the Odzala-Kokoua National Park, 30km apart (Levréro et al. 2007). Our goal is to continue in targeted camera trapping to assess the prevalence of yaws disease symptoms in gorilla population in complex of five bais in the core area of Messok-Dja (in a process to become formally protected area) to describe the infection development among cohorts differing in age and sex, and to detect its potential transmission to sympatric chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). With this project we strive to set up a foundation for multi-partner long-term semi-autonomous monitoring system which will provide scientists and conservationists with reliable insight into skin disease prevalence in wild populations of apes.
For more information, please contact the team tjunek@fzp.czu.cz