Klouček, T., Klápště, P., Marešová, J., Komárek, J. (2022). UAV-Borne Imagery Can Supplement Airborne Lidar in the Precise Description of Dynamically Changing Shrubland Woody Vegetation. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2287.
Komárek, J., Klápště, P., Hrach, K., Klouček, T. (2022). The Potential of Widespread UAV Cameras in the Identification of Conifers and the Delineation of Their Crowns. Forests 2022, 13, 710.
Gábor, L., Šímová, P., Keil, P., Zarzo-Arias, A., Marsh, C. J., Rocchini, D., Malavasi, M., Barták, V., Moudrý, V. (2022). Habitats as predictors in species distribution models: Shall we use continuous or binary data?. Ecography, e06022.
Moravec, D., Komárek, J., López-Cuervo Medina, S., & Molina, I. (2021). Effect of Atmospheric Corrections on NDVI: Intercomparability of Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and UAV Sensors. Remote Sensing, 13(18), 3550.
Malavasi, M., Bazzichetto, M., Komárek, J., Moudrý, V., Rocchini, D., Bagella, S., Acosta T. R., A., & Carranza, M. L. (2021). Unmanned aerial systems-based monitoring of the eco-geomorphology of coastal dunes through spectral Rao's Q. Applied Vegetation Science, 24(1), e12567.
Conti, L., Malavasi, M., Galland, T., Komárek, J., Lagner, O., Carmona, C. P., de Bello, F., & Šímová, P. (2021). The relationship between species and spectral diversity in grassland communities is mediated by their vertical complexity. Applied Vegetation Science, 24(3).
Gdulová, K., Marešová, J., & Moudrý, V. (2020). Accuracy assessment of the global TanDEM-X digital elevation model in a mountain environment. Remote Sensing of Environment, 241, 111724.
Prošek, J., Gdulová, K., Barták, V., Vojar, J., Solský, M., Rocchini, D., & Moudrý, V. (2020). Integration of hyperspectral and LiDAR data for mapping small water bodies. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 92, 102181.
Gábor, L., Moudrý, V., Barták, V., & Lecours, V. (2020). How do species and data characteristics affect species distribution models and when to use environmental filtering?. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34(8), 1567-1584.
Gábor, L, Moudrý, V, Lecours, V, Malavasi, M, Barták, V, Fogl, M, Šímová, P, Rocchini, D and Václavík, T., (2020). The effect of positional error on fine scale species distribution models increases for specialist species. Ecography, 43(2), 256-269.
Moudrý, V., & Devillers, R. (2020). Quality and usability challenges of global marine biodiversity databases: An example for marine mammal data. Ecological Informatics, 56, 101051.
Moudrý, V, Klápště, P, Fogl, M, Gdulová, K, Barták, V and Urban, R, 2020. Assessment of LiDAR ground filtering algorithms for determining ground surface of non-natural terrain overgrown with forest and steppe vegetation. Measurement, 150, p.107047.
Komárek, J., 2020. The Perspective of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Forest Management. Do We Really Need Such Details?. Applied Vegetation Science.
Klápště, P., Fogl, M., Barták, V., Gdulová, K., Urban, R. and Moudrý, V., 2020. Sensitivity analysis of parameters and contrasting performance of ground filtering algorithms with UAV photogrammetry-based and LiDAR point clouds. International Journal of Digital Earth.
Šímová P, Moudrý V, Komárek J, Hrach K, Fortin M-J 2019. Fine scale waterbody data improve prediction of waterbird occurrence despite coarse species data. Ecography ,42(3):511-520.
Kropáček J, Vařilová Z, Nyssen J 2019, Historical aerial and terrestrial photographs for the investigation of mass movement dynamics in the Ethiopian Highlands. Land Degradation & Development, 10.1002/ldr.3220.
Rocchini, D, Marcantonio, M, Da Re, D, Chirici, G, Galluzzi, M, Lenoir, J, Ricotta, C, Torresani, M, Ziv, G 2019. Time-lapsing biodiversity: an open source method for measuring diversity changes by remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 231: 111192.
Klonner, G., Wessely, J., Gattringer, A., Moser, D., Dullinger, I., Hülber, K., Rumpf, S. B. , Block, S., Bossdorf, O., Carboni, M., Conti, L., et al. 2019. Effects of climate change and horticultural use on the spread of naturalized alien garden plants in Europe. Ecography 9: 1548-1557.
Kattge, J., Bönisch, G., Díaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, I. C., Leadley, P., ..., Conti, L., et al. 2019. TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology, 26:119–188.
Prošek J, Šímová P, 2019. UAV for mapping shrubland vegetation: Does fusion of spectral and vertical information derived from a single sensor increase the classification accuracy? International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 75: 151-162.
Moudrý V, Gdulová K, Fogl M, Klápště P, Urban R, Komárek J, Moudrá L, Šroner M, Barták V, Solský M, 2019. Comparison of leaf-off and leaf-on combined UAV imagery and airborne LiDAR for assessment of a post-mining site terrain and vegetation structure: Prospects for monitoring hazards and restoration success. Applied Geography, 104: 23-41.
Staponites, L. R., Barták, V., Bílý, M., & Simon, O. P. (2019). Performance of landscape composition metrics for predicting water quality in headwater catchments. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-10.
Sperandii MG, Bazzichetto M, Acosta ATR., Barták V, Malavasi M, 2019. Multiple drivers of plant diversity in coastal dunes: A Mediterranean experience. Science of The Total Environment, 652, 14351–1444.
Klouček T, Komárek J, Surový P, Hrach K, Janata P, Vašíček B, 2019. The Use of UAV Mounted Sensors for Precise Detection of Bark Beetle Infestation. Remote Sensing, 11, 1561.
Malavasi, M, Barták, V, Jucker, T, Acosta, ATR., Carranza, ML, & Bazzichetto, M 2019. Strength in Numbers: Combining Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data to Model Plant Invasions in Coastal Dune Ecosystems. Remote Sensing, 11(3), 275.
Marzialetti, F, Giulio, S, Malavasi, M, Sperandii, MG, Acosta, ATR, & Carranza, ML 2019. Capturing Coastal Dune Natural Vegetation Types Using a Phenology-Based Mapping Approach: The Potential of Sentinel-2. Remote Sensing, 11(12), 1506.
Moudrý, V, Lecours, V, Malavasi, M, Misiuk, B, Gábor, L, Gdulová, K, Šímová, P, & Wild, J (2019). Potential pitfalls in rescaling digital terrain model-derived attributes for ecological studies. Ecological Informatics, 2019, 100987
Moudrý V, Beková A, Lagner O, 2019. Evaluation of a high resolution UAV imagery model for rooftop solar irradiation estimates, Remote Sensing Letters, 10:11, 1077-1085.
Bricca, A., Conti, L., Tardella, M.F. et al. (2019) Community assembly processes along a sub-Mediterranean elevation gradient: analyzing the interdependence of trait community weighted mean and functional diversity. Plant Ecology 12: 1139–1151.
Rocchini, D, Marcantonio, M, Arhonditsis, G, Lo Cacciato, A, Hauffe, HC, He, KS 2019. Cartogramming uncertainty in species distribution models: A Bayesian approach. Ecological Complexity, 38: 146-155.
Ricotta, C., Acosta, A.T.R., Bacaro, G., Carboni, M., Chiarucci, A., Rocchini, D., Pavoine, S. 2019. Rarefaction of beta diversity. Ecological Indicators, 107: 105606.
Torresani, M, Rocchini, D, Zebisch, M, Sonnenschein, R, Marcantonio, M, Ricotta, C, Tonon, G 2019. Estimating tree species diversity from space in an alpine conifer forest: the Rao’s Q diversity index meets the Spectral Variation Hypothesis. Ecological Informatics, 52: 26-34.
Kropáček J, 2019. Erosion dynamics in the southern Tibetan Plateau at a century time scale from historical photographs. Journal of Arid Environments, 161: 47-54.
Sarmati, S., Conti, L., & Acosta, A. T. (2019). Carpobrotus acinaciformis vs Carpobrotus edulis: Are there any differences in their impact on coastal dune plant biodiversity?. Flora 151422.
Marzialetti, F., Bazzichetto, M., Giulio, S., Acosta, A. T., Stanisci, A., Malavasi, M., & Carranza, M. L. (2019). Modelling Acacia saligna invasion on the Adriatic coastal landscape: An integrative approach using LTER data. Nature Conservation, 34, 127.
Moudrá L, Zasadil P, Moudrý V, Šálek M, 2018. What makes new housing development unsuitable for house sparrows (Passer domesticus)? Landscape and Urban Planning, 169: 124-130.
Bazzichetto M, Malavasi M, Barták V, Acosta ATR, Moudrý V, Carranza M. Modeling plant invasion on Mediterranean coastal landscapes: An integrative approach using remotely sensed data. Landscape and Urban Planning. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.11.006.
Moravec D, Barták V, Puš V, Wild J, 2018. Wind turbine impact on near-ground air temperature. Renewable Energy 123, 627–633.
Komárek J, Klouček T, Prošek J, 2018. The potential of Unmanned Aerial Systems: A tool towards precision classification of hard-to-distinguish vegetation types? International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 71: 9-19.
Malavasi M, Bartak V, Carranza ML., Simova P, Acosta ATR, 2018. Landscape pattern and plant biodiversity in Mediterranean coastal dune ecosystems: do habitat loss and fragmentation really matter? Journal of Biogeography, 45:1367-1377.
Forejt M, Dolejš M, Raška P, 2018. How reliable is my historical land-use reconstruction? Assessing uncertainties in old cadastral maps. Ecological Indicators 94, 237–245.
Morelli F, Benedetti Y, Šímová P, 2018. Landscape metrics as indicators of avian diversity and community measures. Ecological Indicators 90: 132-141.
Malavasi M., Acosta ATR, Carranza ML, Bartolozzi L, Basset A, Bassignana M, (...), Colangelo P, 2018. Plant invasions in Italy: an integrative approach using the European LifeWatch infrastructure database. Ecological Indicators, 91:182–188..
Carranza ML Drius M, Malavasi M, Frate L, Stanisci A, Acosta ATR, 2018. Assessing land take and its effects on dune carbon pools. An insight into the Mediterranean coastline. Ecological Indicators, 85:951-955.
Malavasi M, Carranza ML, Moravec D, Cutini M, 2018. Reforestation dynamics after land abandonment: a trajectory analysis in Mediterranean mountain landscapes. Regional Environmental Change.
Moudrý V, Lecours V, Gdulová K, Gábor L, Moudrá L, Kropáček J, Wild J, 2018. On the use of global DEMs in ecological modelling and the accuracy of new bare-earth DEMs. Ecological Modelling 383, 3m–9.
Lagner O, Klouček T, Šímová P, 2018. Impact of input data (in)accuracy on overestimation of visible area in digital viewshed models. PeerJ.
2018. Selecting appropriate variables for detecting grassland to cropland changes using high resolution satellite data. PeerJ.
,2018. Comparison of a commercial and home-assembled fixed-wing UAV for terrain mapping of a post-mining site under leaf-off conditions, International Journal of Remote Sensing.
Leroux SJ, Wal EV, Wiersma YF, Charron L, Ebel JD, Ellis NM, Hart C, Kissler E, Saunders PW, Moudrá L, Tanner AL, Yalcin S, 2017, Stoichiometric distribution models: ecological stoichiometry at the landscape extent. Ecol Lett, 20: 1495J–1506. doi:10.1111/ele.12859.
Moudrý V, Komárek J, Šímová P, 2017. Which breeding bird categories should we use in models of species distribution? Ecological Indicators, 74: 526–529.
Morelli F, Moller AP, Nelson E, Benedetti Y, Tichit M., Šímová P, Jerzak L, Moretti M, Tryjanowski P, 2017. Cuckoo as indicator of high functional diversity of bird communities: a new paradigm for biodiversity surrogacy. Ecological Indicators, 72: 565–573.
Morelli F, Moller AP, Nelson E, Benedetti Y, Liang W, Šímová P, Moretti M, Tryjanowski P, 2017. The common cuckoo is an effective indicator of high bird species richness in Asia and Europe. Scientific Reports 7: 4376.
Morelli F, Benedetti Y, Su T, Zhou B, Moravec D, Šímová P, Liang W, 2017. Taxonomic diversity, functional diversity and evolutionary uniqueness in bird communities of Beijinge’s urban parks: effects of land use and vegetation structure. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 23: 84-92.
Janovská V, Šímová P, Vlasák J, Sklenička P, 2017. Factors affecting farm size on the European and national level of the Czech Republic. Agric. Econ. – Czech, 63(1), 1-12.
Moravec D, Komárek J, Kumhálová J, Kroulík M, Prošek J, Klápště P, 2017. Digital elevation models as predictors of yield: Comparison of an UAV and other elevation data sources. Agronomy Research 15(1):249-255.
Morelli F, Tryjanowski P, Benedetti Y, Šímová P, Jerzak L, Rabaça JE, Catarino L, Pereira PF , Luis A, Godinho C, 2017. Birds as Useful Indicators of High Nature Value Farmlands - Using Species Distribution Models as a tool for monitoring the health of agro-ecosystems. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-50282-3.
Earlier (before the Research Group was established)
2012 - 2016
Fogl M, Moudrý V, 2016. Influence of vegetation canopies on solar potential in urban environments. Applied Geography, 66: 73–80.
Malavasi M, Conti L, Carboni M, Cutini M, Acosta ATR, 2016. Multifaceted analysis of patch-level plant diversity in response to landscape spatial pattern and history on Mediterranean dunes. Ecosystems, (doi:10.1007/s10021-016-9971-4).
Bazzichetto M, Malavasi M, Acosta ATR, Carrana ML, 2016. How does dune morphology shape coastal EC habitats occurrence? A remote sensing approach using airborne LiDAR on the Mediterranean coast. Ecological Indicators, 71, 618–626.
Poeta P, Conti L, Malavasi M, Battisti C, Acosta ATR, 2016. Beach litter occurrence in sandy littoral: the potential role of urban area, rivers and beach users in central Italy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.08.041.
Moudrý V 2015. Modelling species distributions with simulated virtual species. Journal of Biogeography, 42(8): 1365–1366.
Klouček T, Lagner O, Šímová P 2015. How does data accuracy influence the reliability of digital viewshed models? A case study with wind turbines. Applied Geography, 64: 46–54.
Morelli F, Jiguet F, Reif J, Plexida S, Valli AS, Indykiewicz P, Šímová P, Tichit M, Moretti M, Tryjanowski P, 2015 Cuckoo and biodiversity: testing the correlation between species occurrence and bird species richness in Europe. Biological Conservation, 190: 123–132.
Šímová P, Šťastný K, Šálek M 2015. Refugial role of urbanized areas and colonization potential for declining Crested Lark (Galerida cristata) populations in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. Journal of Ornithology, 156(4): 915–921.
Sklenicka P, Šímová P, Hrdinová K., Šálek M, 2014. Changing rural landscapes along the border of Austria and the Czech Republic between 1952 and 2009: Roles of political, socioeconomic and environmental factors. Applied Geography, 47: 89–98.
Kumhálová J, Moudrý V, 2014: Topographical characteristics for precision agriculture in conditions of the Czech Republic. Applied Geography, 50: 90 o– 98.
Moudrý V, Šímová P, 2013. Relative importance of climate, topography, and habitats for breeding wetland birds with different latitudinal distributions in the Czech Republic. Applied Geography, 44: 165–171.
Barták V, Vorel A, Šímová P, Puš V, 2013. Spatial spread of Eurasian beavers in river networks: a comparison of range expansion rates. Journal of Animal Ecology 82(3): 587–597.
Šímová P, Gdulová K 2012. Landscape indices behavior: A review of scale effects. Applied Geography 34: 385c–394.
Moudrý V, Šímová P, 2012. Influence of positional accuracy, sample size and scale on modelling species distributions: A review. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26(11): 2083–2095.
Before 2012
Krojerová-Prokešová J, Barančeková M, Šímová P, Šálek M, Anděra M, Bejček V, Hanák V, Hanel L, Lusk S, Mikátová B, Moravec J, Šťastný K, Zima J, 2008. Species richness of vertebrates in the Czech Republic. Folia Zoologica 57(4): 452–464.
Billeter R, Liira J, Bailey D, Bugter R, Arens P, Augenstein I, Aviron S, Baudry J, Bukacek R, Burel F, Cerny M, De Blust G, De Cock R, Diekötter ., Dietz H, Dirksen J, Dormann C, Durka W, Frenzel M, Hamersky R, Hendrickx F, Herzog F, Klotz S, Koolstra B, Lausch A, Le Coeur D, Maelfait JP, Opdam P, Roubalova M, Schermann A, Schermann N, Schmidt T, Schweiger O, Smulders MJM., Speelmans M, Simova P, Verboom J, van Wingerden WKRE, Zobel M, Edwards PJ 2008. Indicators for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: a pan-European study. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45: 141 – 150.
Dormann CF, Schweiger O, Arens P, Augenstein ., Aviron S, Bailey D, Baudry J, Billeter R, Bugter R, Bukacek R, Burel F, Cerny M, De Cock R, De Blust G, De Filippi R, Diekotter T, Dirksen J, Durka W, Edwards PJ, Frenzel M, Hamersky R, Hendrickx F, Herzog F, Klotz S, Koolstra B, Lausch A, Le Coeur D, Liira J, Maelfait JP, Opdam P, Roubalova M, Schermann-Legionnet A, Schermann N, Schmidt T, Smulders MJM, Speelmans M, Simova P, Verboom J, Van Wingerden W, Zobel M, 2008. Prediction uncertainty of environmental change effects on temperate European biodiversity. Ecology Letters, 11: 235–244.