Kamila Svobodova, who is actually based in Melbourne, is collaborating with Dr Mohan Yellishetty from the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University on a study on community attitudes towards mining and reclamation. This survey aims to understand how Australians’ attitudes toward mining and reclamation are related to their personal characteristics and experience, and how their knowledge of mining and reclamation can affect these attitudes. The relationship between the mining industry and Australian society is a very sensitive and complicated issue and this study could provide the quarrying industry with a greater understanding of how to secure and maintain a “social licence to operate”.
Svobodova is preparing the same survey in the Czech Republic in co-operation with the Czech University of Life Sciences. The Czech study will provide a direct comparison with attitudes expressed in Australia. Svobodova believes that findings of both Czech and Australian surveys could help to clarify the society-mining industry relationship on an international level.
More information on the study is available here.
Press releases in the Lartobe Valley Express and the Quarry magazine.
Quarry magazine is the official publication of the Institute of Quarrying Australia.
Yet another media appearance is available here.