Manuel Teodoro et al. recently published an article focusing on the application of co-composted biochar to metal-contaminated soil in order to support plant-growth relevant physical/chemical properties of the soil. A woody-biochar was added to waste biomass during a composting process. The resulting compost-char hastened the composting process, increased moisture retention and promoted plant growth.
Teodoro M., Trakal L., Gallagher B., Šimek P., Soudek P., Pohořelý M., Beesley L., Jačka L., Kovář M., Seyedsadr S., Mohan D., 2020. Application of co-composted biochar significantly improved plant-growth relevant physical/chemical properties of a metal contaminated soil. Chemosphere 242, 125255. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.125255.
Read the paper here.