Nutrient, heavy metals and xenobiotics retention and cycling in natural and constructed wetlands
- nutrient sequestration in natural wetlands
- management of nattural wetlands to enhance nutrient and pesticide retention
- role of plants in heavy metal and nutrient retention in constructed wetlands
- removal of pesricides and PPCEs in constructed wetlands
- constructed wetlands for highway runoff treatment
History of wetlands on the landscape level
- Change trajectories of wetlands at the landscape level
- Significant proximate causes and underlying driving forces behind change trajectories of wetlands
- Causalities between different development trajectories and the present state of wetlands
- Consequences for management of wetlands
Urban drainage impact on receiving waters and wetlands
- urban stream and wetland syndrome
- effect of urban drainage on toxic metals behavior
- mutual effect of nutrients and toxic metals on aquatic biota in aquatic and wetland environment
- identification of optimal ecological flow
- mixed oxidants and their application in drinking water treatment and in agriculture
Invasive plants in wetlands
- spreading of invasive alien species in wetland environment and their influence to the species diversity of wetlands
- modelling of spreading of invasive alien species under different management conditions
- the role of management to the diversity of wetlands
- uptake of heavy metals and radioisotopes in wetland plant species