Project number: 17-07544S
Project title: Land Tenure Security: the crucial but unexplored determinant of land degradation
Programme: GAČR
Project coordinator: FES CZU
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Petr Sklenička, CSc.
Project schedule: 2017-2019
Total project budget: 3 000 000 Kč
Our project aims to make a substantial contribution toward explaining the principles of how various forms and sub-forms of land tenure function, with reference to the owners’ and tenants>’ willingness to invest in the land in the interest of eliminating degradation processes. Research on land tenure and its underlying factors will be conducted in three fundamental categories of countries: a country with a developed market economy, a transition country, and a developing country. These study areas are located in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones, so our research will cover a very
wide range of forms of tenure and land degradation.