Project number: TA04020501
Project title: Compensation climate change impacts on water supply
Programme: TAČR ALFA
Project coordinator: Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka veřejná výzkumná instituce
Project partners: FES CZU
Project leader: Ing. Petr Máca, Ph.D.
Project schedule: : 2014-2017
Total project budget of FES CZU: 438 ths. CZK (of which the grants 284 ths. CZK)
The main objective of the proposed project is to provide a more accurate data basis for 1) the General Plan of protected localities for surface water accumulation, and 2) for the third round of the River Basin Management Plans update. This refinement will consist of the data replenishment from the non-observed localities and evaluation of storage function security for the individual protected localities (potential reservoirs). In addition the results will be summarized in the form of specialized maps reflecting a vulnerability of the individual basins and security of the storage function of particular potential reservoirs. The individual procedures will be generalized in the methodology used for the comprehensive assessment of security of the storage function of potential reservoirs with respect to climate change. In addition, the impact of near-natural retention and storage measures will be assessed. The procedures will be encapsulated into a software package.