Grant number: 20174231, 20184210
Grant agency: CIGA, IGA (Czech University of Life Sciences)
Coordinator for CZU: Ing. Eva Vozabulová
Contact person and administrator: Ing. Eva Vozabulová, Ing. Veronika Janatová
Time period: 2017-2020
Total money granted to CZU: 5 039 000 Kč
The aim of the project is to study ontogenesis of precocial shorebirds (plovers) in temperate and desert environments with diverse ambient temperatures during the breeding season. The type of parental care, growth, behavioral traits and circadian activities of the chicks exposed to extreme conditions throughout the ontogenetic development are investigated. Behavioural traits are studied in detail, particularly in the context of stressful situations and with an aim to detect possible behavioral syndromes. We comprehensively test the effects of ambient factors, behavioral traits and behavioral syndromes, on the condition and survival of the chicks. The results will contribute significantly to the little-known phenomenon of life history formation of species inhabiting temperate zone and subtropics.