Title: Sources of variation in reproduction success of subtropics birds: a case study on the Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus)
Grant number: 20184221, 20184208
Grant agency: CIGA, IGA (Czech University of Life Sciences)
Coordinator for CZU: Mgr. Martin Sládeček
Contact person and administrator: Mgr. Martin Sládeček, MSc. Esmat Elfaki Mohammed Elhassan
Time period: 2018-2020
Total money granted to CZU: 1 637 000 Kč
Reproduction is the most important phase of the life cycle of each organism. In most birds it consists of sexual selection, nest placement and construction, clutch laying and parental care, during which the birds use different tactics given by their experience, competitive ability and health status within the range defined by the species' life history and adaptations. The aim of the project is to analyse the factors influencing the reproductive success of a subtropical species the Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) and to assess the extent to which this success is determined by the characteristics of the nest (habitat, nest cup lining), egg hatchability, mating system, incubation care, parasite load and nest predation. Vasting majority of studies solving these topics in birds were done in temperate, or arctic zone. This project brings unique findings on behavioral adaptations of ground nesting shorebirds inhabiting hot environment in low latitudes.