Registration number: GA23-08056S
Project title: Dynamic tracking of drought events and their classification on the global scale - DynamicDrought
Provider: Czech Science Foundation
Programme: Standard Projects
Project coordinator: Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences – CzechGlobe
Project partner: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague – FES
CZU Principal investigator: Ing. Oldřich Rakovec, Ph.D.
Project manager: Ing. Michaela Rösslová, Ph.D.
Project schedule: 01/2023–12/2025
Total project budget: CZK 9.600.000
FES project budget: CZK 3.393.000
Abstract: Drought represents one of the costliest natural extreme facing society and a fundamental shift in the study methods is needed. The team will apply validated SoilClim soil moisture and mHM hydrological models on the global scale. The team will: i) create a global catalog of dry episodes between 1951 and 2022 with time/space resolution of 1day/0.1 °; ii) analyze individual dry episodes and their dynamics; iii) develop a drought typology based on dynamic characteristics (e.g. genesis, intensification etc.); iv) evaluate the relationship between type of drought and range of impacts; v) develop methods for examining trajectories of dry events and/or their expansion/reduction, and vi) evaluate the relationship between atmospheric circulation and drought types. DynamicDrought will examine drought as a series of distinctive events and categorize them through their origin and dynamics across the World. Such comprehensive approach will enhance our knowledge regarding the causes of droughts, their internal dynamics, interrelationships and the accumulation of impacts.