Project number: SS07010270
Project title: Genetic diversity and structure of populations of the hermit (Chazara briseis): implications for its conservation and repatriation
Provider: TAČR
Programme: Programme of applied research, experimental development and
Environment - Environment for Life Project coordinator: CZU
Partner: Biology Centre CAS
Researcher: Jana Svobodová
Contact person: Michaela Kopřivová Stejskalová
Project schedule: 2024-2026
Budget od project: 9 584 000 CZK
Budget of ČZU: 5 397 000 CZK
The main objective is to develop a methodological guideline for the preparation and implementation of a rescue program for the hermit (Chazara briseis) based on 1) a comparison of the genetic diversity and structure of its source, reintroduced, and historical populations, and modelling the development of genetic diversity for particular populations assuming different management scenarios, 2) research on a gene (or locus) that is directly involved in the number of produced viable offspring. 3) The next goal is to create a standardised methodology for sampling and obtaining DNA by a non-destructive method, these procedures will be generalizable not only to the hermit but also to other species of the order Lepidoptera.