About the project

Project title: Optimizing biodiversity support of solar parks implemented in open countryside
Registration number: SS07020239
Provider: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Programme: Environment for Life (Call 7)
Project coordinator: Czech University of life sciences in Prague
Project partners: Photon Energy Operations CZ s.r.o.
Project leader: Mgr. Filip Harabiš, Ph.D.
Project manager: Kyšperská Eliška
Project schedule: 04/2024-06/2026
Total project costs: 6 671 460 CZK
FŽP costs: 6 021 460 CZK

The proposed project aims to exploit the still neglected potential of existing solar parks as suitable areas for biodiversity support. At the same time, it should aim to optimise management measures in view of spatial constraints (to develop "Standards and recommendations for the design of biodiversity support measures within existing solar parks in solar landscapes"). Users of the main output will be mainly the MoE, the SFŽP ČR, authorities, but also architects, investors, developers and maintainers of solar parks. We also suppose the possibility of using our data and recommendations in the framework of setting the rules of subsidies. Another goal of the project is to provide technical solutions (2x working sample) for improving the efficiency of biodiversity support.

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