About the project

Project name: RUR - region to university, university to region
Project number: CZ.10.02.01/00/22_002/0000210
Duration: October 2023 - December 2027
Provider: SFŽP Fair Transformation Programme Ústí nad Labem Region
Main investigator: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem

  • Innovation Centre of the Ústí nad Labem Region 
  • Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Ústí nad Labem Region  
  • Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
  • Economic and Social Council of the Ústí nad Labem Region  
  • SEVEn Inntech 
  • Children and Youth House in Ústí nad Labem 
  • Research Institute of Brown Coal, a.s.  
  • Ústí nad Labem Region 
  • Labour Office of the Czech Republic, Regional Branch Office in Ústí n. L. 

FES Coordinator: Kateřina Černý Pixová
Project manager: Lucie Mužíková, Michaela Rösslová
Project budget: CZK 1.188 billion
Budget for the FES: CZK 144.5 million
Project Web: https://rur.ujep.cz/en/

Project focus: 
The project represents a unique systemic solution aimed at transforming the region, which goes beyond the standard activities of UJEP and means a substantial strengthening of the so-called third role of the university. The UJEP extends the implementation of proven activities within the Ústí Region, strengthening cooperation with key partners from the region and targeting the expected disciplinary transformation of the region. The aim of the project is to set up sustainable mechanisms in the addressed areas that will lead to systemic changes due to their transformational potential.  The project also targets the quality of education, the quality of decision-making and the quality of life of the region's inhabitants. 

The project consists of four separate, but interrelated key activities:
KA 1 CREATIVE PEOPLE - The aim of the first activity is to improve the education system in the region, starting from pre-school, through primary and secondary to lifelong learning, to create a robust support system for schools and teachers, and to increase the supply of formal and non-formal education for primary and secondary school pupils.

KA 2 CREATIVE SOCIETY - The aim of this activity is to support social and economic transformation through excellent professional, research and educational activities, especially in the form of strengthening social cohesion, economic restructuring and people's ability to respond to labour market changes and new economic activities, and in the area of improving the overall quality of life of people in the territory.

KA 3 CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT - The aim of the third activity is to enable solutions for environmentally sustainable territorial regeneration in the context of the challenges of climate change, knowledge-based diversified economy and social cohesion by developing and validating new practices and systematising the development of expert capacities.

KA 4 CREATIVE INSTITUTIONS - The aim of KA 4 is to demonstrate sustainable and SMART approaches to energy, climate change, biodiversity conservation and sustainable mobility through the implementation of proven innovative solutions on the UJEP campus using concrete examples. UJEP intends to act as an example of a socially responsible and sustainable organisation to other institutions.

The FES is involved in KA 3, specifically in the Smart Landscape Concept Testing, which aims to design and test a multifunctional landscape use system that aims for a diversified and sustainable economy that is in balance with the ecosystem functions of the landscape. The testing and results of the sub-activity will always be carried out at three hierarchical levels, involving the county (overall concepts and recommendations for the Ústí nad Labem region), the quarry (summary and evaluation of all design options and refinement of the selected ones into a final study and set of recommendations) and the municipality (refinement of the feasibility study, design documentation and documentation for building permits). 

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