Internship near the ocean during the pandemic

Written by: Suyan Roberta Isaka

Receiving organisation/enterprise, country: University of Aveiro, Portugal


Traineeship description and evaluation:

My internship was to develop research on biochar effects on vineyard and forest soils in a lysimeter experiment. This research has been used for my master’s thesis. I  conducted experiments in laboratories of the receiving university on the samples collected from the lysimeters. It was very interesting to do it for the first time in my life, and learn so much with really great supervisors and colleagues. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic unfortunately I couldn’t join for field trip nor actually finish my experiments, but overall, it was an amazing life and learning experience. The university is very understanding and the supervisors are great teachers, so much patience to teach and love for what they develop, very receptive.


Personal comments and culture shock:

The small city near the ocean and full of river channels are amazing, create this specific vibe from the place and the people so friendly that it took me a while to get used to it. Same about the university, pretty, good infrastructure, great people. It took a while to adapt to the place and its cultural environment, but towards positive shocks.

It is a pity that I came during a world pandemic and I couldn’t enjoy as much as I wish, academically and life-wise. The supervisors wanted to integrate us into the research group and were constantly concerned about my personal life due to difficulties from pandemic imposed lifestyle. They were always supportive, always caring.

I had a hard time being alone most of the time in the lab (due to covid-19 restrictions) and deciding what to do after we realized I could not finish the experiments since the university lab was closed on lockdown, and finding myself alone and isolated in another country away from friends and family. But my supervisors were there not only as supervisors but as caring people.


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