Altogether, 39 people are participating in the hybrid (online and in person) workshop „Identifying Key Actions for the Recovery of Bird Species in Non-Secure Conservation Status“ on the 27th – 29th of November 2023, which hosts The Faculty of Environmental Sciences of Czech University of Life Sciences. The workshop is organized in the frame of EU Tender „Supporting the recovery of bird species of Annex II of the Birds Directive in non-secure conservation status”.
Ongoing work will produce a comprehensive report characterizing the pressures and threats for each species, followed by a detailed characterization of key actions essential for the conservation of these species. This is the raison d’etre of the current workshop; by bringing together experts on the species concerned, we aim to identify the measures and interventions needed to maximize the population response of these non-secure species and facilitate the recovery of their populations. The recommended actions will be recommended for implementation by the competent authorities of the EU Member States.