Chemical stabilization is a soil remediation method based on the application of various inorganic and organic amendments to contaminated soils. These stabilizing agents lower the mobility and bioavailability of risk elements in such soils. Immobilization is achieved through several physico-chemical processes, such as adsorption, complexation, precipitation and co-precipitation. Our research team studies sorption mechanisms on various amendments, mostly iron and manganese (nano-)oxides and biochar. The efficiency of the stabilizing agents is evaluated using batch, column and lysimeter experiments in the laboratory and field and modeled using geochemical and hydropedological transport models.
Applied outcomes of the research and further potential applications of the research::
Metal contamination of soils is a serious environmental problem. The development of innovative non-destructive soil remediation methods is currently under intensive research and chemical stabilization represents a gentle approach. Nano-oxides are becoming an interesting stabilizing amendment particularly owing to their high specific surface and reactivity. The development of geochemical and transport models describing contaminant behavior and migration on remediated sites is also crucial for the evaluation of remediation procedure efficiency.
soil contamination; chemical stabilization; nano-oxides; biochar; metals; metalloids