IROICA Staff Training in Estonia

IROICA is a European network of international relations officers at Higher Education Institutions in agricultural and related sciences. Thus, the annual Staff Training is the best opportunity to meet colleagues from other European universities, discuss actual topics and new Erasmus destinations for our students, and enhance the current partnerships.

This year, we were hosted by our partners, Tallinn University and the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The theme of the staff training was "Navigating challenges and opportunities in the era of global polycrisis”, and it offered a blend of lectures and workshops about our everyday challenges: climate change, AI, sustainable living and travelling, mental health, and many more—five days of intensive discussions, workshops, and networking. We also learned about beautiful Estonian nature and left our footprint by planting more than 1500 new trees in the area of Järvselja.

A big THANK YOU to the organizers, and see you next year in Ghent!

Are you interested in spending your Erasmus study stay in Estonia? Or at any other partner university in Europe? Do not hesitate to join the ongoing call for an Erasmus+ study stay in the summer semester of 2024/2025. 

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